I've composed a variety of Christian music for over twenty years. My songs all center around God's wonderful true words in the Bible, where I find peace and strength.
Shop for sheet music, or just listen. From kids' songs to contemporary songs, from choir music to hymn arrangements... I hope you find what you're looking for!
​"Servants of Your Word" for SATB choir
For pastor or teacher
- Installation
- Retirement
- Farewell
- Appreciation
Now at Northwestern Publishing House
My sheet music is sold at Sheet Music Plus and Northwestern Publishing House. All my titles here are linked to one of these sites, where in almost all cases you'll be able to listen to, preview, and see lyrics for the music.
True Songs (contemporary Christian songs)
Children's songs
Piano hymn arrangements
Choir songs (duet, trio, and SATB)
Chris Driesbach songs

I have lyric videos of my "True Songs" contemporary Christian songs on my YouTube channel. Are you in a thoughtful mood? Thankful? Grieving? Happy? Listen for a while and be reminded: "Jesus lived the perfect life I can't. He paid for everything I've done wrong by his death on the cross. I am going to heaven!"